In the unpredictable world of cryptocurrency, distinguishing the best investment opportunities during a bull market can be a challenging endeavor.

As we approach the much-anticipated Bitcoin halving, investors are faced with a critical question: which cryptocurrency should they invest in?

With prices on the rise, the decision between opting for established cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin (BTC), Ethereum (ETH), Solana (SOL), Cardano (ADA), and Polkadot (DOT) versus exploring high-growth potentials like Jupiter (JUP), Manta Network (MANTA), Dymension (DYM), Hedera (HBAR), and Bittensor (TAO) becomes increasingly significant.

In this article, we’ll talk about crypto investing strategies and learn whether established or high-growth cryptocurrencies are the way to go.

Crypto investing strategy

Understanding the Market Dynamics

Understanding the market dynamics in depth requires a look beyond the immediate effects of events like the Bitcoin halving. The anticipation of reduced supply against a backdrop of consistent or increasing demand is a fundamental economic principle that often drives the price surges seen in bull markets.

However, the psychology of investors plays a crucial role as well. The optimism, speculation, and FOMO (Fear Of Missing Out) that characterize bull markets can amplify price movements, sometimes disconnecting them from underlying fundamentals. This environment creates a fertile ground for both rapid growth and potential volatility, as investors rush to capitalize on the upward trend, often leading to overvaluations.

The impact of the Bitcoin halving extends to the altcoin market, triggering what is commonly referred to as “alt season.” As Bitcoin’s price stabilizes or retraces after its initial post-halving surge, investors often look to altcoins in search of higher returns, spreading the bullish sentiment across the crypto spectrum. This shift in investment flow highlights the interconnectedness of the cryptocurrency market, where major events within one segment can have cascading effects throughout the entire ecosystem.

Understanding these dynamics is crucial for investors aiming to navigate the complexities of the crypto market, particularly during the heightened activity of a bull market phase.


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Established Cryptocurrencies: A Safe Harbor?

Investing in proven cryptocurrencies like BTC, ETH, SOL, ADA, and DOT during a bull market offers a relatively safer harbor, as these assets are backed by substantial market capitalization, wider adoption, and more robust infrastructure. Their established nature often means less volatility compared to newer, less-known cryptos.

For long-term investors seeking stability and gradual growth, these cryptocurrencies present a reliable choice.

  • Bitcoin (BTC): Often referred to as digital gold, BTC is the original cryptocurrency and remains the market leader. Its historical performance post-halving indicates significant potential for growth.
  • Ethereum (ETH): As the backbone of the decentralized finance (DeFi) and non-fungible token (NFT) ecosystems, ETH presents a strong case for growth, driven by continuous development and adoption.
  • Solana (SOL): Known for its high throughput and low transaction costs, SOL has positioned itself as a strong competitor in the DeFi and dApps sectors, offering scalability solutions that could fuel long-term appreciation.
  • Cardano (ADA): Designed with a focus on security, scalability, and sustainability, ADA stands out for its rigorous scientific approach to development.
  • Polkadot (DOT): DOT facilitates an interconnected blockchain ecosystem, enabling different blockchains to transfer messages and value in a trust-free fashion; Polkadot aims to solve the problem of interoperability in the blockchain space.

Hedera Web3 applications

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High-Growth Potentials: The Road Less Traveled

On the other side of the investment spectrum lie cryptocurrencies like JUP, MANTA, DYM, HBAR, and TAO, which, although less established, offer the tantalizing possibility of 10-100X returns. These assets often represent projects with unique value propositions, targeting niche areas within the crypto ecosystem.

However, their potential for high returns comes with a higher risk due to factors like lower liquidity, lesser-known development teams, and the project’s early stage.

  • Jupiter (JUP): Positioned as a privacy-focused platform, JUP aims to provide secure, decentralized communication solutions. Its niche focus could result in substantial growth if successfully adopted.
  • Manta Network (MANTA): Focused on privacy for DeFi transactions, MANTA offers a unique value proposition in enhancing transactional privacy across various blockchain networks, a much-needed feature in the growing DeFi space.
  • Dymension (DYM): With its focus on facilitating the creation of scalable, decentralized applications through rollups, DYM targets a critical need within the Ethereum ecosystem, potentially driving significant adoption and growth.
  • Hedera Hashgraph (HBAR): Unlike traditional blockchain, HBAR uses a hashgraph consensus mechanism, offering high-speed transactions and improved scalability. Hedera’s governance model, led by a consortium of major corporations, provides a level of stability and credibility.
  • Bittensor (TAO): TAO is an innovative project that seeks to decentralize the creation and sharing of machine learning models. By leveraging blockchain technology, Bittensor aims to create a global, decentralized network of machine learning models that can be trained, shared, and monetized by participants.

Crypto analysis

image: Rawpixel

Making the Right Choice

The decision on which cryptocurrency to invest in during a bull market ultimately hinges on the investor’s risk tolerance, investment horizon, and belief in the project’s fundamentals.

For those with a lower risk appetite, established cryptocurrencies provide a more secure investment path with steady growth potential. Conversely, investors willing to embrace higher risk for the chance of exponential gains might find high-growth potential cryptos more appealing.

Some Examples

For illustration purpose, consider this: Some people would go the risk-averse way, investing only in the top 10 cryptocurrencies.  Some people take a totally different approach, investing only in crypto outside the top 100 list.  The rest is playing the percentage game, with some holding 50 percent in Bitcoin, and 50 percent of the rest like memecoins, etc.  Another group would use the 80/20 rule – 80 percent on BTC and 20 percent on the rest.  The examples can go on and on and on (some ideas are here, here, and here.)

That said, you get the point – when it comes to crypto investing, to each their own.

However, one thing for sure: Regardless of the chosen path, thorough research and due diligence are imperative. Understanding the technology behind a cryptocurrency, the problem it aims to solve, its adoption rate, market trends, and the overall health of the crypto market are crucial factors to consider. Additionally, diversifying one’s portfolio can mitigate risk, allowing investors to balance between established names and emerging contenders.


While the allure of high returns from less-known cryptocurrencies is undeniable, the stability and steady growth offered by established ones cannot be overlooked.

As the crypto market evolves, particularly in light of events like the Bitcoin halving, investors are reminded of the importance of informed decision-making and strategic diversification in navigating the bull market’s promising yet unpredictable waters.

As always, this is not financial advice; do your own research.

About The Author


Owner of Since 2013, he's been immersed in the world of cryptocurrencies and has become an avid NFT collector since 2019. Also an NFT artist, he is a lifelong learner of mixed-media artwork creation.