Worldcoin is a new cryptocurrency project that aims to create a global identity system based on eye scans. The project is led by Sam Altman, the CEO of OpenAI, and has raised $200 million in funding.

Worldcoin users will have their eyeballs scanned using a special device called an “orb.” The scan will be used to create a unique identifier for each user, which will be used to access the Worldcoin platform. The project claims that the eye scan is a secure and private way to identify users, and that it will not be used to track users’ online activity.

Worldcoin website screenshot

Controversies Surrounding Worldcoin

The Worldcoin project has been met with both praise and criticism. Privacy advocates have raised concerns about the use of eye scans, and some have argued that the project could be used to create a surveillance state. Others have questioned the need for a new cryptocurrency, given the number of existing projects.

However, the Worldcoin project also has the potential to be a significant force for good. The project could help to reduce fraud and identity theft, and it could also make it easier for people to access financial services. Additionally, the project could help to create a more inclusive global economy by making it easier for people to participate in the digital world.

It remains to be seen whether Worldcoin will be successful. The project has a number of challenges to overcome, including privacy concerns and the lack of a clear use case. However, if the project is able to address these challenges, it could have a significant impact on the cryptocurrency industry and the world as a whole.

Here are some additional details you should know about (take note!):

  • The Worldcoin project is still in its early stages, and it is not yet clear how it will be rolled out.
  • The eye scan process is said to be quick and painless.
  • Worldcoin users will be able to use the platform to send and receive cryptocurrency, as well as to access other services.
  • The project has been praised by some for its potential to make cryptocurrency more accessible.
  • However, others have warned that the project could be used to track users’ movements and activities.

Overall, Worldcoin is a controversial project with the potential to have a significant impact on the cryptocurrency industry. It remains to be seen whether the project will be successful, but it is worth keeping an eye on (no pun intended!)

Worldcoin’s Potential Pros and Cons

Here are some other potential pros and cons of the Worldcoin project:


  • Increased security and privacy: The use of eye scans could make it more difficult for fraudsters to create fake accounts. Additionally, the project claims that the eye scan data will be encrypted and stored securely.
  • Increased accessibility: The Worldcoin project could make it easier for people who do not have traditional forms of identification to access financial services and other online resources.
  • Increased inclusion: The project could help to create a more inclusive global economy by making it easier for people from all over the world to participate in the digital world.


  • Privacy concerns: Some people have raised concerns about the privacy implications of the Worldcoin project. They argue that the eye scan data could be used to track users’ movements and activities.
  • Lack of clear use case: It is not yet clear what the main use case for the Worldcoin platform will be. This could make it difficult for the project to gain traction.
  • Technical challenges: There are a number of technical challenges that the Worldcoin project will need to overcome, such as how to securely store the eye scan data and how to prevent fraud.

To Conclude…

Overall, the Worldcoin project is a controversial one with the potential to have a significant impact on the cryptocurrency industry. It remains to be seen whether the project will be successful, but it is worth keeping an eye on.




About The Author


Owner of Since 2013, he's been immersed in the world of cryptocurrencies and has become an avid NFT collector since 2019. Also an NFT artist, he is a lifelong learner of mixed-media artwork creation.