The world of cryptocurrency is often likened to the Wild West—full of potential but fraught with peril. The recent hacking incident involving the Normie token (NORMIE) underscores this reality. As a popular memecoin that skyrocketed in value shortly after its launch, Normie attracted both investors and, unfortunately, malicious actors.

This article covers the events surrounding the Normie token hacking, its aftermath, and the critical lessons that the crypto community can learn from it.

Normie token hacking

What Happened?

In late May 2024, Normie experienced a catastrophic security breach. The incident began when attackers exploited a vulnerability in the token’s smart contract, specifically a tax function that allowed them to issue more tokens than authorized. This exploit enabled the hackers to drain the liquidity pools, causing the token’s value to plummet by over 99% within hours.

Before the attack, Normie’s market cap was nearly $42 million, but it swiftly fell to just $200,000​.

Normie token price chart

Chart via CoinGecko

The Aftermath

The immediate impact of the hack was devastating.

Many investors lost substantial amounts of money, with some accounts reporting losses exceeding $1 million. The Normie community was in turmoil as the value of their holdings evaporated almost overnight.

The developers responded by suspending trading and initiating a series of token burns in an attempt to stabilize the situation. Despite these efforts, confidence in the token had been severely shaken.

The Normie token hacker has proposed refunding 90% of stolen funds on the condition that they can keep 10% with no reprisals and that the developers use the returned funds to launch a new token aimed at reimbursing affected NORMIE holders. The developers have accepted these terms, although the hacker insists on meeting these conditions before issuing any refunds.

Lessons Learned

The Normie hacking incident highlights several critical lessons for the cryptocurrency community:

  1. Smart Contract Audits: Conducting thorough and regular audits is essential to identify and mitigate vulnerabilities in smart contracts before they can be exploited. Audits should be performed by reputable third-party firms to ensure impartiality and thoroughness.
  2. Community Communication: Maintaining transparent and timely communication with the community during a crisis can help manage panic and rebuild trust. Regular updates and clear action plans can reassure investors and stakeholders.
  3. Risk Management for Investors: Investors should diversify their portfolios and conduct due diligence on projects, understanding the high-risk nature of meme coins and similar speculative investments. Evaluating the team, technology, and market potential can mitigate risks.
  4. Regulatory Oversight: There is a growing need for regulatory oversight to ensure that crypto projects adhere to high standards of security and governance, which can help protect investors from fraudulent activities and technical vulnerabilities. Clear regulations can also foster a safer investment environment.
  5. Responsive Development Teams: Development teams need to be prepared with rapid response strategies for potential breaches. This includes having contingency plans for mitigating damage and steps for restitution. A proactive approach to security can prevent minor issues from escalating.
  6. Security Best Practices: Adopting industry best practices for security, including multi-signature wallets, time-locked transactions, and frequent security updates, can significantly reduce the risk of hacks. Regular training and updates on security protocols are also crucial.
  7. Community-Driven Solutions: Engaging the community in finding solutions post-crisis can foster a sense of solidarity and shared responsibility, potentially leading to more innovative and resilient recovery strategies. Community feedback can provide valuable insights for improvements.
  8. Incentivizing Ethical Behavior: Considering mechanisms that incentivize ethical behavior among developers and users, such as bug bounties and rewards for identifying and reporting vulnerabilities, can enhance overall security. Encouraging a culture of transparency and accountability is key.


The hacking of the Normie token serves as a stark reminder of the vulnerabilities that exist within the cryptocurrency space. While the allure of high returns in the world of memecoins is strong, it comes with significant risks.

By learning from such incidents, both developers and investors can take steps to protect their assets and contribute to a more secure and stable crypto ecosystem. As the market evolves, so too must the strategies to safeguard it from malicious actors.

The Normie incident highlights the need for constant vigilance, robust security practices, and a proactive approach to risk management. Only through these measures can the cryptocurrency community hope to prevent similar occurrences in the future.

About The Author


Owner of Since 2013, he's been immersed in the world of cryptocurrencies and has become an avid NFT collector since 2019. Also an NFT artist, he is a lifelong learner of mixed-media artwork creation.