Investing in cryptocurrencies outside the Top 100 offers a unique blend of opportunities and challenges that can be both exciting and rewarding for the adventurous investor.

To compare, the performance of cryptocurrencies within the Top 100 by market cap versus those outside this elite group can vary significantly, reflecting their different stages of development, market acceptance, and investor sentiment.

Ocean Protocol

image credit: created based on images by Dang Pham / Vecteezy and Geralt / Pixabay

Historically, the Top 100 cryptocurrencies, including well-known names like Bitcoin, Ethereum, and BNB (previously Binance Coin,) have shown a mix of stability and strong growth potential, largely due to their established user bases, proven track records, and ongoing development efforts.

In contrast, cryptocurrencies outside the Top 100 can exhibit more pronounced volatility and unpredictability in their price movements. These assets, often in earlier stages of development, can experience rapid price changes due to news, speculation, or milestones in their project development. Some examples include Ocean Protocol in the AI space and DOVU in the carbon credit market.

So, the big question is, should you invest in cryptocurrencies that rank outside the Top 100 Cryptocurrencies?

Why are Cryptocurrencies Ranked 100+ Attractive?

Investing in crypto outside the Top 100 list seems to be risky, but there are valid reasons why you might want to consider it. Here’s why considering such investments could be a worthwhile venture:

1. Diversification

Diversification is a foundational principle of investment that applies to cryptocurrency investments as well. By spreading investments across various assets, investors can mitigate risk.

Cryptocurrencies outside the Top 100, while riskier, can add valuable diversification to a crypto portfolio. These assets might not move in tandem with the major cryptocurrencies, providing a hedge against market downturns in the larger market.

The concept is akin to not putting all eggs in one basket, where the performance of one investment can offset the underperformance of another. It’s crucial, however, to balance diversification with due diligence, as not all cryptocurrencies have viable long-term prospects.

2. High Growth Potential

Cryptocurrencies outside the Top 100 have a smaller market cap, suggesting a higher potential for growth. They are often early in their development cycle, meaning investors have the chance to get in on the ground floor.  Such investments carry higher risk, but they also offer the possibility of higher rewards.

For instance, early investments in now-major cryptocurrencies like Ethereum, when they were less known, have yielded significant returns for early adopters. It’s important for investors to look for projects with solid fundamentals, including a strong team, innovative technology, and a clear roadmap.

All in all, the potential for high returns should be weighed against the risk of loss, as these projects are more susceptible to failure.

3. Innovation and Use Cases

Many emerging cryptocurrencies are pushing the boundaries of blockchain technology, exploring new use cases that extend far beyond basic transactions. For example, Ethereum’s introduction of smart contracts enabled the development of decentralized applications (dApps) and the boom of ICOs, showcasing how blockchain can be leveraged for more than just financial transactions.

New projects might focus on a variety of sectors, including decentralized finance (DeFi), non-fungible tokens (NFTs), supply chain management, and more, each with the potential to revolutionize its respective industry.

Investors should look for projects that not only have innovative ideas but also the capability to implement them successfully and achieve widespread adoption.

4. Accessibility and Lower Prices

Cryptocurrencies outside the Top 100 are generally more accessible due to their lower price points. This lower barrier to entry allows investors to acquire a larger number of tokens for a smaller total investment, potentially leading to significant gains if the cryptocurrency appreciates in value.

This accessibility can be particularly appealing to new investors or those with limited capital. However, it’s crucial for investors to remember that price alone does not determine the potential success of a cryptocurrency.

Factors such as the project’s utility, community support, and market demand are critical indicators of long-term viability.

Crypto investing

photo credit: Anna Tarazevich / Pexels

Navigating the Risks

The volatile nature of the cryptocurrency market, highlighted by events such as the “crypto winter” of 2022, underscores the importance of caution and research. Investing in lesser-known cryptocurrencies requires a thorough understanding of the project’s technology, market position, and competitive advantages.

Additionally, investors should be prepared for the possibility of losing their entire investment, especially in the case of projects that fail to materialize or gain traction. Risk management strategies, such as setting stop-loss orders and only investing money that one can afford to lose, are essential in navigating the high-risk, high-reward nature of these investments​​.

In conclusion, while investing in cryptocurrencies outside the Top 100 can offer exciting opportunities for diversification, high growth potential, and access to innovative projects, it also comes with significant risks. However, due to the challenges, investors must conduct diligent research, employ sound risk management practices, and maintain realistic expectations regarding the potential outcomes of their investments.

As always, do your own research. Plenty of it, I suggest.  Also, as always, this is my personal opinion, not a financial advice. 

About The Author


Owner of Since 2013, he's been immersed in the world of cryptocurrencies and has become an avid NFT collector since 2019. Also an NFT artist, he is a lifelong learner of mixed-media artwork creation.