In the realm of distributed ledger technologies, Hashgraph has emerged as a compelling alternative to the traditional blockchain. Introduced in 2017 by Leemon Baird, Hashgraph promises to revolutionize the way we perceive and utilize decentralized technologies.

Unlike blockchain, which groups data into blocks before adding them to the chain, Hashgraph uses a different approach, employing a consensus mechanism that allows for faster and more energy-efficient transactions. This innovative technology has sparked interest and debate among tech enthusiasts and industry experts alike, leading to a thorough examination of its potential benefits and drawbacks.

Hashgraph’s unique features have positioned it as a potential game-changer in the industry. However, like any technology, it’s not without its challenges. This article aims to delve deeper into the pros and cons of Hashgraph technology, providing a comprehensive understanding of its potential and limitations.


Pros of Hashgraph Technology

1. Speed

One of the most significant advantages of Hashgraph is its impressive transaction speed. Unlike traditional blockchains that can process only a limited number of transactions per second, Hashgraph is designed for scalability. It’s currently set to handle 10,000 transactions per second, but its developers claim that it can comfortably process up to 250,000 transactions per second if necessary. This high-speed transaction processing could make Hashgraph a preferred choice for applications requiring rapid and high-volume transactions.

2. Efficiency

Hashgraph stands out for its energy efficiency and low storage requirements. Unlike blockchain, which requires substantial computational power and storage, Hashgraph maintains a live ledger using less than 1 GB of storage. Moreover, the transaction records in Hashgraph are eventually deleted, further enhancing its efficiency. This feature could make Hashgraph a more sustainable and cost-effective alternative to traditional blockchains.

3. Security

Hashgraph employs Byzantine Fault Tolerance (BFT), a robust security mechanism that safeguards the network against malicious activities. BFT ensures that all events are accurately recorded, and it prevents data tampering, even in the presence of malware or other malicious entities. This high level of security could make Hashgraph a reliable choice for applications where data integrity is paramount.

4. Fairness

Hashgraph ensures fairness through consensus time stamping. In this system, a transaction that reaches two-thirds of the network before other transactions is considered the first. This approach ensures a fair and transparent transaction ordering, which could be beneficial in applications where the sequence of transactions is critical.

Cons of Hashgraph Technology

1. Lack of Decentralization FUD

Despite its many advantages, the crypto communities assume that Hashgraph falls short in one key area that is central to many blockchain proponents: decentralization. Many think that Hashgraph operates on a centralized system, which could be a significant drawback for those who value the decentralization aspect of blockchain technologies.

This centralization FUD could potentially limit Hashgraph’s adoption among users who prefer a more decentralized approach to data management.  Hedera has addressed this many times, but the FUD is still circulating today.

2. Patented Technology FUD

Unlike many blockchain technologies that are open-source, Hashgraph was initially patented. This means that its development and use are controlled by its creators, which could limit its widespread adoption and further development. While this ensures the technology’s integrity, it could also restrict its growth and versatility in the long run.

That’s no longer the case, however.

In early 2022, The Hedera Governing Council has decided to acquire the intellectual property rights to the hashgraph consensus algorithm from Swirlds, Inc. – the original creator of the algorithm and a founding member of the Hedera Governing Council. As part of this decision, the Council has pledged to release the code as open-source under the Apache 2.0 license by the year 2022.

Unfortunately, just like the issue of decentralization FUD, the patent talks are still circulating in the media.

3. Permissioned Network

Hashgraph operates as a permissioned network, meaning that participation in the network is by invitation only. This could limit its accessibility and widespread use, as it restricts the ability of anyone to join the network freely. While there are plans to transform it into a permissionless network in the future, this current limitation could slow down its adoption rate.


Looking Ahead

As we look to the future, it’s clear that Hashgraph has the potential to be a game-changer in the realm of distributed ledger technologies. Its unique features and capabilities position it as a strong contender in the race for the next generation of blockchain technologies. However, its success will largely depend on how it addresses its current limitations and adapts to the evolving needs of the market.

In conclusion, Hashgraph represents a significant step forward in the evolution of distributed ledger technologies. Its unique approach to transaction handling and consensus mechanisms sets it apart from traditional blockchains. However, like any technology, it must continue to evolve and adapt to overcome its limitations and meet the changing needs of its users.

As we continue to explore and understand the potential of Hashgraph, it’s clear that it adds a valuable perspective to the ongoing conversation about the future of blockchain technologies.

About The Author


Owner of Since 2013, he's been immersed in the world of cryptocurrencies and has become an avid NFT collector since 2019. Also an NFT artist, he is a lifelong learner of mixed-media artwork creation.