The cryptocurrency market is always buzzing with activity, and one of the most anticipated phenomena is the ‘Altcoin Season’. This term refers to a period when altcoins experience significant price surges, often outperforming Bitcoin. Investors and enthusiasts closely monitor various indicators to predict the onset of this season.

A helpful tool in this regard is the Altcoin Season Index provided by Blockchain Center, which offers insights into whether it’s currently Altcoin or Bitcoin season.

Current Status of the Altcoin Season

As of the latest data from the Altcoin Season Index, we are not currently in an Altcoin Season. This index is a critical barometer for understanding the market dynamics between Bitcoin and altcoins.

Currently, the Index shows a score of 47 for Altcoin Season, 61 for Altcoin Month, and 16 for Altcoin Year. These figures indicate that Bitcoin is still the dominant force in the cryptocurrency market.

Altcoin Season Index - November 2023

image credit: Altcoin Season Index by

The Altcoin Season Index is a unique tool that evaluates the performance of the top 50 cryptocurrencies over the last 90 days, excluding stablecoins and asset-backed tokens. For it to be considered an Altcoin Season, at least 75% of these top 50 coins must outperform Bitcoin over this period. The current status reflects that this threshold has not been met, suggesting that Bitcoin continues to hold a stronger position in terms of market performance.

It’s important to note that the crypto market is highly dynamic, and these conditions can change rapidly. Factors such as technological advancements, regulatory changes, and shifts in investor sentiment can all influence the market’s direction. Therefore, while the current data suggests a Bitcoin-dominated market, the potential for an Altcoin Season remains a possibility in the ever-changing landscape of cryptocurrency.

Rising Altcoins Prices vs. Bitcoin

In the current market scenario, while we are not in an official Altcoin Season, several altcoins have shown significant price increases. However, these increases have generally not been enough to surpass Bitcoin’s growth over the same period. This situation highlights the complex interplay between Bitcoin and altcoins in the cryptocurrency market.

Bitcoin, often referred to as ‘digital gold’, is seen as a safer and more stable investment compared to altcoins. Its larger market capitalization and widespread adoption provide it with a level of stability that most altcoins do not possess. When Bitcoin’s price rises, it often leads to increased investor confidence in the crypto market as a whole, which can subsequently benefit altcoins.

However, altcoins have their own dynamics and can sometimes experience sharp price increases based on factors such as technological developments, adoption in specific industries, or even hype generated by their communities. For instance, certain altcoins may surge in value following announcements of new partnerships, technological upgrades, or integration into new platforms.

Despite these occasional surges, the overall trend has been that Bitcoin’s price movements largely dictate the market’s direction. This dominance means that even when altcoins experience price increases, they often do so in the shadow of Bitcoin’s market movements.

Investors looking to capitalize on altcoin movements must therefore carefully monitor both the individual performance of these coins and the broader market trends led by Bitcoin.

Altcoin season

photo credit: Jonathan Borba / Pexels

Preparing for the Altcoin Season

As the cryptocurrency market evolves, the anticipation of an Altcoin Season brings both excitement and uncertainty. Preparing for this phase is crucial for investors aiming to capitalize on potential opportunities. Here are detailed strategies to consider:

1. Diversify Your Portfolio

Diversification is key in managing risk in the volatile crypto market. Consider spreading your investments across various altcoins, each with different use cases and market potentials. This approach can help mitigate losses if one or more coins underperform.

2. Stay Informed and Conduct Research

The crypto market is influenced by a variety of factors, including technological developments, regulatory news, and market sentiment. Regularly reading industry news, participating in community discussions, and analyzing market trends are essential.

3. Understand the Risks and Manage Expectations

Altcoin investing is not just about high returns; it’s also about high risk. Be aware of the potential for both rapid gains and steep losses. Invest only what you can afford to lose, and avoid making decisions based on hype or fear of missing out.

4. Technical Analysis and Market Indicators

Learn the basics of technical analysis. Understanding charts, trends, and market indicators can provide valuable insights into when to buy or sell. Tools like TradingView offer comprehensive analysis capabilities.

5. Monitor Bitcoin’s Performance

Bitcoin’s market movements often set the tone for the entire crypto market. A significant rise or fall in Bitcoin’s price can be a precursor to similar movements in altcoins. Keep a close eye on Bitcoin’s price action and market dominance.

6. Set Clear Investment Goals and Strategies

Define your investment goals, whether short-term gains or long-term holdings. Develop a strategy that aligns with these goals, including when to take profits or cut losses.

7. Use Stop-Loss Orders

To protect your investments, consider using stop-loss orders. This tool allows you to set a specific price at which your asset will be automatically sold, helping to limit potential losses.

8. Stay Updated on Regulatory Changes

The regulatory environment for cryptocurrencies can impact market dynamics significantly. Keep abreast of global regulatory news and understand how it might affect the altcoin market.

9. Engage with the Community

Crypto communities can be a treasure trove of information. Engage with forums, social media groups, and online platforms where traders and enthusiasts discuss market trends and share insights.

10. Practice with a Demo Account

If you’re new to crypto trading, consider practicing with a demo account. Many trading platforms offer these accounts, allowing you to trade with virtual money and gain experience without financial risk.



photo credit: Rudolfs Klintsons / Pexels


In conclusion, while the current indicators suggest that we are not yet in an Altcoin Season, the cryptocurrency market is dynamic and can change rapidly. Investors should remain vigilant, diversify their investments, and stay informed to make the most of the opportunities that arise when the Altcoin Season finally begins.

About The Author


Owner of Since 2013, he's been immersed in the world of cryptocurrencies and has become an avid NFT collector since 2019. Also an NFT artist, he is a lifelong learner of mixed-media artwork creation.