Today, let’s get geeky.  If you’re like me, a noob in the space, I would’ve guessed that you would think the terms “Web 3.0” and “Web3” are the same thing.  Well, I’m sorry to burst your bubble, but those are actually not the same thing.

You see, both terms are often used interchangeably, but they refer to different concepts. Here’s a brief explanation of the differences between them, as well as some examples of the right usage in various content types.

Decentralized Internet

Web 3.0 vs. Web3

Web 3.0: An Evolution of The Current Web

Also known as the “Semantic Web,” Web 3.0 is an evolution of the current web (Web 2.0) that aims to make the internet more connected and intelligent. It is a concept proposed by Tim Berners-Lee, the inventor of the World Wide Web.

Web 3.0 seeks to make internet data machine-readable and to enable the creation of data stores online, build vocabularies, and write rules for handling data. It is envisioned as a web where all your data is stored in one place, and you have complete control over who can access it.

The goal of Web 3.0 is to make the web more machine-readable by making resources easier to access and handle information with human-like intelligence.

Web3: A More Decentralized Internet, Built on Blockchain 

Coined in 2014 by Gavin Wood, co-founder of Ethereum, Web3 refers to a decentralized online ecosystem based on blockchain technology. It is a vision for a better internet that is more decentralized and democratic, where power is distributed more equitably among people, making it more transparent.

Web3 introduces a peer-to-peer system that is more dependent on users’ contributions to the network and infrastructure, eliminating any monopolistic influence of a single party. The backbone of Web3 is blockchain technology, which enables decentralization and ensures participants contribute to a network without the interference of a dominant player.

Web 3.0

How to Use The Terms Correctly?

Here’s a brief guide on how to use Web 3.0 and Web3 concepts correctly in different types of content:

  1. Social Media

    • Web 3.0: Use semantic tags and metadata to make your posts more discoverable and machine-readable. For example, use hashtags to categorize your content and provide context.
    • Web3: Share content about decentralized social media platforms, blockchain technology, and cryptocurrency. Engage with decentralized social media platforms that use blockchain technology to give users control over their data.
  2. Research Paper

    • Web 3.0: Incorporate data from linked data sources and semantic web technologies in your research. Use ontologies and semantic web standards to structure and annotate your data.
    • Web3: Explore the implications of blockchain technology and decentralization in your field of study. Discuss the potential benefits and challenges of adopting Web3 technologies in your research area.
  3. News Pieces

    • Web 3.0: Use structured data markup to enhance the visibility of your news articles in search engines. Provide rich snippets and metadata to give readers a quick overview of the article’s content.
    • Web3: Cover developments in the blockchain and cryptocurrency space. Report on the impact of decentralization on various industries, government regulations, and the broader economy.
  4. Academic Paper

    • Web 3.0: Incorporate semantic web technologies and linked data in your research methodology. Use ontologies to define concepts and relationships in your field of study. Discuss the potential of Web 3.0 technologies to enhance knowledge discovery and data interoperability in academia.
    • Web3: Analyze the potential of blockchain technology to transform academic publishing, research funding, and data sharing. Discuss the ethical and legal implications of decentralization in academia.



In summary, while both Web 3.0 and Web3 aim to create a better version of the internet, they adopt different technologies and approaches. Web 3.0 focuses on making the web more intelligent and connected, while Web3 focuses on decentralization and blockchain technology.

In all types of content, it’s essential to provide accurate information, cite reliable sources, and present a balanced view of the topics you’re discussing. Make sure to differentiate between Web 3.0 and Web3 concepts and use them appropriately in your content.


About The Author


Owner of Since 2013, he's been immersed in the world of cryptocurrencies and has become an avid NFT collector since 2019. Also an NFT artist, he is a lifelong learner of mixed-media artwork creation.