The world of cryptocurrency is ever-evolving, and with the rise of staking as a popular method to earn returns, there have been growing concerns about its sustainability. Ethereum, one of the leading cryptocurrencies, has recently been in the spotlight due to its developers’ decision to slow down staking. This move has sparked a debate on whether staking should be limited and if so, why?

Ethereum staking

Ethereum’s Staking Slowdown

Ethereum’s developers have made a conscious decision to reduce the speed of staking, a move that has been met with mixed reactions from the crypto community. The primary reason behind this decision is to ensure the long-term sustainability of the Ethereum network.

Staking, while lucrative for many, can lead to an oversaturation of the network, potentially compromising its security and efficiency, and more.

22% is The Magic Number

At least five major Ethereum liquid staking providers – Rocket Pool, StakeWise, Stader Labs, Diva Staking, and Puffer Finance – are setting or planning to set a self-imposed limit, vowing not to hold more than 22% of the Ethereum staking market. This initiative is to prevent the Ethereum network from becoming overly centralized. How so?

Well, if a few entities control a significant portion of the staked assets, it can compromise the decentralized nature of the Ethereum network. Centralization can lead to a single point of failure, making the network vulnerable to attacks and manipulations.

What about the figure, 22%? The threshold was chosen because, for Ethereum to reach finalization, 66% of validators must concur. By keeping the limit under 22%, it ensures that a minimum of four major players would need to collaborate for finalization to occur.

The EIP-7514 Update

To address the concerns surrounding staking, Ethereum introduced the EIP-7514 update. This update aims to slow down the staking rate, ensuring that the network remains robust and secure.

The decision to introduce this update was not taken lightly, and it reflects the Ethereum developers’ commitment to maintaining the network’s integrity.


Self-Limiting Validators

Recognizing this potential challenge, several Ethereum staking services have proactively decided to self-limit the number of validators they control. This collaborative decision is not just a technical maneuver but a reflection of the community’s commitment to the foundational principles of Ethereum.

By setting a self-imposed cap, these staking services are sending a clear message: the long-term health and decentralization of the Ethereum network take precedence over short-term gains.

Moreover, this move underscores the community’s adaptability and willingness to self-regulate. In an industry where regulations are still catching up, such proactive measures by key players highlight the maturity and foresight of the Ethereum ecosystem.

In essence, by opting for self-limitation, these staking services are not only preserving the integrity of the Ethereum network but also setting a precedent for other blockchain platforms. It’s a testament to the collaborative spirit of the crypto community, where the collective good often outweighs individual interests.

What the Community Think of This?

There are mixed reactions  of the staking limitations from the Ethereum Community.

Some believe that the self-limit proposal is not aligned with the principle of “Ethereum alignment,” which is understood to enable credible neutrality and permissionless innovation on Ethereum. Others suggesting that the staking services are acting in their economic self-interest.


While staking offers a lucrative opportunity for crypto enthusiasts, it’s essential to approach it with caution. The recent moves by Ethereum’s developers and staking services highlight the importance of sustainability in the crypto world.

As the crypto landscape continues to evolve, it’s crucial for all stakeholders to prioritize the long-term health and security of the networks they support.


About The Author


Owner of Since 2013, he's been immersed in the world of cryptocurrencies and has become an avid NFT collector since 2019. Also an NFT artist, he is a lifelong learner of mixed-media artwork creation.